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NakedAll Natural Lotion

Our luscious silky free form fragrance everyday lotion is a combination of botanicals that help with healing and hydrating your dry skin. The light non greasy texture of calendula + lavender + chamomile helps target dull and lackluster skin. Customers have noted benefits in managing various skin conditions such as eczema and dryness when using this product.

Pierced, Tattooed or Bare, we’re your daily skin care

Our daily Naked Lotion formula is gentle and suitable for…

  • all over use
  • skin hydration
  • sensitive skin
  • tattoo care
  • Size: 3 oz Tube


Formulated and Distributed by: Industrial Strength LLC

Manufacturer: Green Tribes Manufacturing

(SRP) $15.00


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don’t be dry lotion, No. 11

calendula/ lavender /chamomile/ sweet almond oil

Don’t be Dry Lotion contains a blend of sweet almond infused oil with calendula, lavender, and chamomile, which are known for their potential to support skin healing and hydration while allowing natural breathability. This lightweight daily cream includes Vitamin E and Jojoba, which are believed to have moisturizing properties and may help soothe dry, itchy, flaky, or irritated skin. Jojoba has a composition similar to human sebum, potentially improving skin texture and reducing blemishes. The cream is suggested for use on existing eyebrow embroidery and tattoos and can contribute to maintaining skin freshness and vibrancy with regular application for daily skin care. Vegan-Friendly.

How to use

Dispense cream on your hands or fingertips and massage onto the eyebrow embroidery, tattoo, or dry skin. For best results apply after Don’t be Dirty Soap no. 01. Use daily on your face, body, and hands.

Don’t be Dry Lotion contains sweet almond oil, sweet almond oil is derived from sweet almonds expeller pressed, refined, bleached, and deodorized. If you have a nut allergy before using any new product, it is always recommended to conduct a patch test before using the product extensively, to guard against any adverse reactions.



” I’ve been using naked lotion on my hand for several years, I have a terrible case of eczema and once I used the lotion the dryness and soreness subsided in 24 hours, I never leave home without it!” ~Nicole

”Not only do I use the lotion on my tattoos daily which actually rejuvenates it and makes it look new but I use it on my face and body also, I just love the lightness of this lotion!!” ~ Nick R

Additional information

Weight 0.35 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2.25 × 6.5 in

Each, Case